Day 1 & 3.

Morning Juggles (20 mins)

Using the size 2 balls players should be properly spaced out and working on circuit juggling for older groups. All coaches should first explain the technique of juggling prior to engaging in juggling for early morning.

  1. (Adv players) Juggle with dominant foot then move onto juggling with dominant knee then move onto juggling with head and then players should juggle ball with their “weak right thigh” and then their weak foot. This process should be repeated 5-10 times before moving on.

  2. (Dev Players) Players should listen to coach who is commanding players to juggle with specific type of foot.

    Coaches should ask players to juggle with right foot 5x and see which player can do so while executing the proper technique of juggling.

    Coaches should ask players to do combinations “Both feet juggling/mix up using different feet while still call numbers” and observe to see players using right technique.

Player Warm Ups (20 mins)

Set up agility lines for players using 3 -4 cones. These lines should be 8-10 ft apart to ensure players have appropriate spacing. 

Boys: 1 - 2 players on  each line.

Girls: 3 - 4 players on each line.

Players should engage in the following warm up exercises done in the style of relay races.

  1. Shuffles

  2. High knees 

  3. Knee hops 

  4. Coaches can add their own rotations/variations to suit.

Dribbling (15 mins)

Using the same format of warm up cones and mini balls. Coaches can now add 2-3 more cones to each line to now have players dribbling through 5-6 cones.

  1. Right Foot Dribbling 

  2. Left Foot Dribbling 

  3. Toe Rolls 

  4. Toe Taps 

  5. Bell Taps

Coaches Job: To introduce a bonus dribbling technique for kids. 

Dribbling 2.0 (15 mins)

Coaches can introduce a game that involves players executing the dribbling techniques mentioned. In some cases depending on your group size you may need to arrange two groups or keep one group if need be.

Perhaps an advanced “Sharks and Nanos” where we assign 2 defenders the role of having to steal the ball. Once we begin coaches job is to inform players which dribbling technique they are allowed to use during the game. This will help kids get a more realistic feel for adjusting themselves in a real game situation depending on the dribbling technique.

Short Passes ?

Before engaging in any passing drills please properly explain to players the part of foot they should be using to pass the ball.

  1. One touch passes - Using properly spaced lines please show players 1 touch pass/lay off pass.

  2. Two touch passes “Inside Foot” - Using properly spaced out lines please show players two touch passes where players are using first their inside part of foot to control then pass.

  3. Two touch passes “Outside Foot” - Using properly spaced out lines please show players two touch passes where players are using first their outside part of foot to control and inside foot to pass.

Strong Pass Game (15 mins)

Each player should have their own 2 cones/square. Coaches please explain the rules of game. Players are to pass ball on ground extremely hard directly to their opponent on other side - 14-20 ft apart. Players receiving ball should be able to control ball within their square or zone without moving/leaving this zone. Coaches can simply observe each player to see the progress in this game.

Long Passes (15 mins)

Please set up properly separated passing lines for players. Pair players of in groups of twos and introduce the concept of “looking long/switching field” through long passes.

Introduce players to 2 different type of passing techniques.

  1. Laced passes

  2. Chip passes

  3. Floated passes

  4. Side Volleys

  5. Curved grounded passes

Player 1 vs 1

Coaches should arrange 1 vs 1 squares. Explaining to players the key of holding ball for attackers and explaining the right defending technique for players who are not in possession.

Player 2 vs 1

Coaches should arrange 2 vs 1 squares. Explaining to players the key of holding ball for attackers and explaining the right defending technique for players who are not in possession.

Day 2 & 4.

Rondo Tag (20 mins)

Using the Rondo circles please sit kids evenly around the Rondo circle. Select 2 players and assign one the role of “player to be chased”. First selected player must walk around Rondo circle and tag one of their team mates. This team mate must try and tag the first team mate before they are able to make it back to their spot.

Rondo Dribbling (15 mins)

Using the same format now place all players in the circle each with a ball. Assign 2 defenders who must try and kick all balls out of circle. Coaches can introduce new ways that players must dribble the ball.

Rondo Dribbling 2.0 (15 mins)

Now placing all players in the middle of Rondo circle. Coaches must assign 2 players. Player 1 has a ball. Player 2 has no ball. Both players are on opposite sides of the Rondo circle. Player with ball must try their best to not be tagged/intercepted from player without ball.

Perhaps an advanced “Sharks and Nanos” where we assign 2 defenders the role of having to steal the ball. Once we begin coaches job is to inform players which dribbling technique they are allowed to use during the game. This will help kids get a more realistic feel for adjusting themselves in a real game situation depending on the dribbling technique.

Dev Short Passes ?

Pair off players in groups of 2’s. Each player must take turns working on:

  1. Laced volleys

  2. Half volleys/Inside foot volleys

  3. One touch ground passes.

  4. Please feel free to add your own.

Long Passes (15 mins)

Please set up properly separated passing lines for players. Pair players of in groups of twos and introduce the concept of “looking long/switching field” through long passes.

Introduce players to 2 different type of passing techniques.

  1. Laced passes

  2. Chip passes

  3. Floated passes

  4. Side Volleys

  5. Curved grounded passes

Player 1 vs 1

Coaches should arrange 1 vs 1 squares. Explaining to players the key of holding ball for attackers and explaining the right defending technique for players who are not in possession.

Player 2 vs 1

Coaches should arrange 2 vs 1 squares. Explaining to players the key of holding ball for attackers and explaining the right defending technique for players who are not in possession.